So on Tuesday he went to pre-school. And when I went to pick him up I got this report from his teacher, "He had a hard time today. Lots of pushing and pinching. It was really hard to keep our hands to ourselves today." UGH! So frustrating. He really just can't resist bugging others. (Maybe he's his mother's son)
So we talked about that. And decided that Thursday things would be different. We would try harder to do better.
As we walked into the room today I left him with one last reminder, "What are we going to do today?" And he told me, "Not hit or pinch or push." I said, "So we need to what?" "Keep our hands to ourselves." was his little reply, as he went off to the bathroom to wash his hands while I signed him in. As I was leaving he rushed after me to give me a kiss good-bye. (the joy of having a LITTLE boy- they aren't too embarrassed to give you loves in public yet)
When I came back to pick him up later, I got this report:
(in case you can't read it: {the boy} is doing great today. Being respectful and following rules)
He did fantastic today! Then I find out that it was partly to do with the fact that, for pretty much the full 2 hours, he laid on a giant dog under the table. His report to me was, "I didn't do anything!" I had to chuckle at that. And as soon as we were walking to the car he said' "Mom, where's that thing they gave you?" Talking about the little packet of papers they give each day with the report for the day. I handed to him and he said, "Read it and see how I did." He was SO proud to tell me how well he did.
I knew that sweet kid was in the somewhere! Just waiting for his chance to shine.