Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I don't think I can remember a time when I have noticed the weather so much as I have these last couple weeks. I have been in love with this LOVELY weather we are enjoying.  It was a perfect Thanksgiving with an overcast day, and only a few sprinkles. Nice and cool. And since then it has continued to get cooler and cooler. Yesterday I even had to trade in my sweater for a jacket. My jackets don't see the light of day too often. I think it made her happy to get to feel loved again. Don't you feel loved when you feel useful? I'm sure it's the same way with jackets. Maybe my scarf and hat will get to feel useful sometime this winter too.


  1. i love the weather too! yay that we can actually wear jackets!

  2. I know what you mean about the weather. For awhile there, I thought I'd gotten my months mixed up...LoL. Of course, now in Pennsylvania it's in the 20's overnight, which sucks.
