Sunday, March 27, 2011

Manly things

I remember as a little girl watching my dad polish his Sunday shoes. I remember thinking it was SO cool. I don't exactly know why I thought it was so cool, but I just did.

I remember being amazed, when I got married, that the husband ALSO shined his shoes. And thinking how neat it was. And how did he know how to do that? I guess it's just one of those "guy things" that they just know how to do. Like shaving their face. (I don't think I could do that.)

And today I was sitting in the kitchen, eating my breakfast, when I hear the husband talking to the boy.
"Are you dressed for church?"
"Where are your shoes?"
I assume the boy got them and took them to his father, because the next thing I hear was the husband telling the boy to "watch" because he was going to polish them. And so there was a moment between father and son, where one of those manly secrets was passed from one generation to the next. And so the boy watched his daddy, his hero, not even realizing that some seeds for manly skills were being planted.

After I finished my breakfast I went into my room to take a shower. And there were those cute little shoes sitting on the end of my bed all shined up and ready for church. And my heart smiled, because of the teaching moment that took place between a father and son at my house this morning. And the husband's {bigger} shoes were sitting on the floor all polished and ready to go too.
And honestly- I'm glad he did that today for one more reason- I was looking at those shoes last Sunday thinking how much I don't like them and how scabby they looked. Now I think I can handle them for a while longer- because really, he still has a bit of room to grow in them.

1 comment:

  1. i remember dad shining his shoes, too. what a cute post!
