Saturday, March 26, 2011

My trials are MINE

Today the husband told me a story that he had heard on a CD he was listening to. About a man that was riding his motorcycle, turned his head to look at something for 2 seconds and when he looked back the semi in front of him had stopped. In an attempt to miss hitting the semi, he laid his bike on the side and slid under the truck. In the process a hole was worn in the gas tank from rubbing on the road and because of the sparks and the leaking gas, it exploded. He was burned over 75% of his body. And he lost all of his fingers. Then if that wasn't enough- after he had recovered from that, and was doing great, he learned to fly planes. During the take off of one of his flights he forgot to do ONE check off on his list, and the plane crashed. He was paralyzed from the waist down. The husband says- but one good thing to come from that is that since he no longer needed his feet they were able to amputate his toes and graft them onto his hands and he now has fingers again. What experiences for someone to endure! And through them he CHOSE to have a positive & happy attitude.

Amazing people are around me everyday. I look at what they go through and wonder HOW they even survive. I would have broken long ago if those were my trials! And I realize, once again, that I am grateful for my trials. Because I know that I can handle them, because they were tailor made just for me. So I'll keep mine and you keep yours and we'll call it even. Sound fair?

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