Thursday, May 5, 2011

Puppy cut

Today I gave foxy Roksi her first haircut. She is 4 months old today and I figured I had better decide how I would like her hair to be groomed. All of my other dogs got their first puppy cut at like 6 weeks old. And after a week of being gone, I came home to a dirty, stinky, scraggly dog that I couldn't handle. So I got on line and looked at some options. Then took her in the kitchen and did my best to duplicate the one I liked most. (pardon the picture it was taken with my not-so-awesome phone camera)

Turned out pretty good if I do say so myself. (now I just need to do the other dogs. blah!)

Then later today she got to go play with her litter mates. That was a funny site. I think she was just so super happy to be around other dogs that would actually play with her for once. All the old geezers at our house just think she's annoying. She's been exhausted ever since. Maybe we should go play more often!!

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